Hundreds of AIDS advocates joined in celebrating World AIDS Day today.They feared on rampant cases of AIDS every month.
Nowadays, six new cases everyday unlike 10 years ago that was one HIV/AIDS case per month, because of homosexual men having sex with same gender, and unprotected sex.
The Department of Health said that it’s a critical stage for HIV/ AIDS in our country. Since 1984 up to the present, 7684 cases of HIV had reported. 936 are AIDS related cases, and 339 died because of HIV/AIDS.
And for the year 2011, there are 1669 cases reported, 71 of it are AIDS victims and 15 of them died. It’s the highest reported HIV/AIDS cases for the month of September, wherein 253 cases and 2 of AIDS victim died.
95 percent are men, 135 or 53 percent are from NCR, and 16 HIV/ AIDS victims are Overseas Filipino Workers.
80 percent of HIV/ AIDS cases came from sexual contact and 20 percent of this got it from injecting drugs.
And because of this, DOH and UNDP Philippines are now targeting our country to have “Getting to Zero” case of HIV/AIDS.
It means that they will have a massive campaign against the deadly HIV and spreading informations about this dreadful disease. They are hoping that by the year 2015, HIV/AIDS cases will drop by that time.
by Eccentric Yet Happy