February 12, 2025

1 thought on “Eight Days Ordeal With Bayan DSL

  1. I am also connected via Bayantel DSL and I feel your pain with regards to their customer service and complaint handling. Really, their 24 hrs span of waiting is just sick. I mean, would you be willing to wait that long, considering your main daily chores are online tasks? They got money to hire more people to improve their response time and deployment. Perhaps they should also cater complaints during non-regular office hours.

    In Japan, minutes after you call an Internet provider, they’ll be knocking on your door and wouldn’t leave until they bring your Internet connection back online.

    I already experienced that – days of no connection and sometimes, on and off. Whenever you call, you will be promised with a 24hrs span of waiting torture. Worse thing is, they seem to have the mindset of maximizing the response time. They usually come at the last hour of the waiting hours. WTF is that!

    Before, people in the customer service can reset your Internet connection, ngayon hindi na. Nagpalit daw ng rules, pero wala naman silang sinasabi beforehand. Nalaman ko na lang nung minsan tumawag ako to request for a connection reset.


    dimaks | The Urban Walker

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