Last month, I’ve been following a mysterious Facebook page about a young accountant named Christine, who loves to watch movies, participating in an interpretative dance competition and munching fresh strawberries. As she shares her story of his college crush, Jorgen on her blog.
Who is Jorgen? |
Meanwhile, during the International Women’s Day last month, two male friends of Jorgen went to the busiest area in the Metro and gave a special teal rose to over 1,200 women. As they called it: Jorgen Rose Fever. And a lot of people asked: Who is Jorgen?
Watch the first episode of this exciting rom-com web series about Christine and Jorgen as they crossed their path once again.
Will they have new webpisodes? Soon…so watch out for it!
Want to know more about Jorgen? Like Who is Jorgen’s Facebook page below :
by Eccentric Yet Happy