Are you having a hard time saving money? Going through financial trouble?
Few weeks ago, I received a copy of two-in-one book series, I Wish They Taught Money in High School by Sharon W. Que and Clarissa Serina-De La Paz.
When I was in Grade School, my mom gave us weekly allowances and we learned on how to save our own money. Though having a financial freedom during high school, I had saved moolah for my projects. It’s great to have this kind of responsibility and realized that I earned a lot during that time.
Several years ago, when I had my 9-to-5 job, I was dependent on my salary. But for the past several months, when I left a social media project last April 2013…that was the time that I realized to save my salary for emergency use. When I was able to do contractor’s job at Odesk, I have 2 different clients and adding up my full time job in October.
What I like about the book is that the authors gave an insight of making a business from scratch and gave some tips on investing your money. There’s a lot of ways to earn. I didn’t imagine on how my mom put up her own business while she didn’t depend to the monetary help from my dad.
I recommended this book for those want to save their money at an early age and want to have their own business.
Check out Lifestyle Upgrade’s online store. I Wish They Taught Money in High School book series is available in all Fully Booked branches.