Who would want to join a speed dating event?
According to Ms. Maiah Aguilar, there’s lot of people ask her whenever she invite them to join. She grew up in a place where no one wants to talk about this thing. For some reason, people are not that open to run this topic. The Philippines is a country full of conservative beings. But as she grew up, no one ever said to me that being conservative means you will shut things that makes you feel uneasy. It’s not a reason to close your mind to some possibilities that may make your life a bit happier and fun.
My best friend Darika manages Telu Events, a themed speed dating event organization, and last April, she invited me to become their partner. At first, all I cared about were the graphics that I’ll do for them since I’m a big fan of love (Yes I am! Haha). But later on, as I experienced being on the event itself, I learned a lot of things (which I believe participants realized as well! Haha!):
- Not all speed daters wants to find someone to fall in love with. Some are just extending their network, some wants to have new friends, and some attend to just have some good, clean fun. (Yes, it is really not just about love!)
- Since we are offering Speed dating with themes, some are curious how we pull it off. (And we always say because we’re just that good! Kidding! HAHA! )
- Expect all kinds of people to be there, be nice. Everybody just wants to have fun mingling. (We’re a friendly bunch of individuals!)
- Some are really trying their luck to find a love interest, you can never tell! So come in prepared with your awesome personality and best dress on! (Even us organizers try to look our best too!)
- It is really fun. (No explanations necessary!)
As I stood in the corner taking photos, I watch the speed daters do their stuff, participate in the games, and giggle with their dates while enjoying their dinner. I wonder why anyone would hesitate in being a part of such a fun-filled occasion. I even feel like joining next time! (Be ready guys! HAHA)
At the end of the day, all I can say is that the experience is a continuous eye-opener. I told my mom everything that had happened after our event last August 09 and she said that she wished she joined a speed dating event during her time (if there was! hihi). It’s nice to know that people nowadays are more open to these kind of affair.