Do you know about ASEAN Integration?
When we joined last year’s Blogged In ASEAN‘s blogathon, we learned more about it. Are we ready for this transformation in the ASEAN region?
As Manila Workshops and LifeQuest would like to invite you to join “Understanding The ASEAN Integration” webinar to further prepare yourselves and businesses for this transformation.
The ASEAN leaders signed an agreement as a blueprint for an ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) at Singapore in 2007. One of its main objectives is to create a single market and production base by ensuring a free flow of goods, services, investment, capital, and skilled labor.
The question remains: Is my business prepared for the fierce competition from the multi-nationals coming in? Or am I ready to expand my operations/offerings outside the comfort walls of my country?
If you like to participate in this webinar on April 29, Wednesday from 7: 00 pm to 9: 00 pm, register here. Event code: ASEAN2015.
Learning Fee:
Regular rate: Php 750
Student Promo Rate: Php 500 (School ID provided)