Inflation hits really hard since last year. When was the last time to save up money? In times like this, you need to start saving from emergencies up to paying bills. As a freelancer, I rely on projects and contractor job as a freelance community manager. I always find ways to pay for my daily needs.
There are some reputable lenders on the Internet that are other people are using for their financial situations. In order for you to have financial success, there are things you need to reconsider.
I have a hectic work schedule working at home. I seldom going out doing errands like visiting a store and buying stuff in groceries. In order to improve your finances, I always see to it that I buy important things and do it online. It saves me time traveling to the store and worry-free in deciding what to buy.
Having several bank accounts helps me decide what to set aside from my monthly budget. I have a particular electronic money wallet that I’ve been using to pay bills online, and put a budget for some important things such as paying fares, and mobile phone prepaid loads.
As a freelancer, I have to prepare monthly payment for paying my web hosting, and other stuff that I need such as software tools that I need at work. Last year, I cut down expenses from subscribing online tools. Instead of using it, I always find other alternative tools that are free online. Limit subscription 0nline as necessary as possible.
Before, I always find myself purchasing items in several online stores. When my budget is tight, I removed online shopping apps so I can’t tempt to buy more stuff that is not useful.
For food, looking up for sale or coupons that will save me a lot. For example, I have a preferred brand in processed meat. But when the inflation started last year, I do have options to choose other brands that I haven’t tried it.
If you love to shop online, there are some online stores that offers cashbacks. Earn points and you can use it to your future shopping spree.
Since last year, I brought my own water using my tumbler whenever I ate in a restaurant. Using my person with disability identification card, it helps me to get discount in purchasing food and medicines, even paying public transportation.
Don’t settle to have only one project as a freelancer. Good thing that I have other skillsets. Being a writer, web developer, and photographer, I always see to it that I have dabble my time to get a part time projects. Instead of looking for a full time job, I relying on my freelancing stuff due to my health condition.
Been planning to travel for so long. Even though I visited a province last year, I risked it from my budget. I don’t regret it because I enjoyed my time alone aside from attending a coverage. This year, I’ve been focusing on how to save up for an upcoming vacation.
That’s the reality. Being a freelancer is not a easy peasy job. Experiencing inflation is hard for someone who earn exactly for their needs. Learning saving up money is a lesson for me. Every penny counts.