Beauty Queen/actress/host Lara Quigaman and Actor/model Marco Alcaraz who will tie the knot this July will lead in the ribbon cutting at “The Bridal Expo: Year 9” this June 2 (Saturday) and 3 (Sunday) at the PICC. This year promises to be the biggest exposition on wedding essentials by Tradecon Inc. It has also partnered with the Fashion and Wedding Designers of the Philippines (FWDP) headed by its President Joel Bautista who will sponsor a grandiose fashion show within the Expo (June 2 at 6pm) where twelve lovely aisle-ready bridal gowns will be featured. The show will be directed by Raymond Villanueva. The featured exhibitors are new innovators in the wedding industry from gowns to make-up, cakes to venues, bridal cars to honeymoon destinations as well as pampering every bride to be thru foot spa, massage, nail care salon and a lot more.
This Bridal Expo will furnish every bride and soon-to-wed couple needs to achieve the perfect beginning that they’re longing for. Guests will also have the chance to win hotel accommodations, Asian trip accommodation (Hong Kong), wedding venue, photo booth and premium items and gift bags. Fun, games and prizes for couples shall be “Wedding Gown” If the gown fits! “Shoes” If the shoe fits! & “Wedding bands/rings” If the ring fits! It is also supported by the Lifestyle Network.
Register now at for free admission or call and text 0916-274-45-78. Also like us on Facebook just type BRIDAL EXPO PHILIPPINES.