Fil-Am Youtube sensation AJ Rafael is in Manila for a concert on January 18 at the Music Museum.
Here’s an excerpt of the interview earlier:
AJ: I had the opportunity to sing with him (GARY V.) , to perform with him, it was amazing and the fact that it was on the top rated TV shows in the Philippines and on TFC , we were watching TFC and ASAP for like since 2003 all the time.
EYH: Let’s take it back to the time na you were helping a child, a case of your nephew ? ahh with autism
AJ : Well yeah my nephew has autism. My older half sibling’s son and ahh we found out he had autism years back but I had no idea. I didn’t understand what it was you know so I did a lot of research , I put together a concert of music, speak and I put it on every year and we get along with my friends from the Youtube community and other artist friends to come to this concert . we sing , dance , play but at the same time sharing the message of awareness for autism and raising money for charity of autism.